An Expert Resource
My journey as a network expert began in 1992 when I founded RTD Systems & Networking, a Unix, Networking and custom software development company in Tucson, Arizona. RTD also became Tucson's first commercial Dial-up Internet Provider in 1993. During this period of my career I worked with both enterprises and carriers, including a duration as Director of Engineering at Net99, a nationwide ISP. I also introduced the idea of a regional exchange point in 1995 with the launch of The Tucson NAP, and idea which quickly grew to be adopted across the world.
After handing the ISP business to a partner in 1997, I founded Siegel Internet Engineering, focusing on serving a number of carriers. My favorite project was working with Tom Micheline (former RTD partner) to write a netflow analytics platform for Verio (now NTT America), the output of which enabled them to become a Tier 1 ISP (eliminate all paid IP transit services).
In 1998, I joined the ranks of Frontier GlobalCenter as a backbone network engineer. I quickly took on management responsibilities and had roles over my 20 year career such as Vice President of IP Engineering, Vice President of Long Range Architecture and Planning, and Vice President of Product Management covering products such as Internet Services, MPLS, Managed Services and Security. I managed my organizations through dozens of lay-offs and several acquisitions, including Global Crossing, Level 3, tw telecom and CenturyLink.
Since I first discovered the Internet in college in 1991, I made it my mission to bring Internet to the world as a way to enable a new generation of advanced applications. I feel that the mission is largely complete, and hope that I played an important role in that, even if just one small face in what became a large cast of characters.
After leaving Centurylink in 2018, I founded Siegel Group in order to share my knowledge and expertise with a greater range of people and businesses. I consult with a variety of clients, such as software firms, telecom and data center firms, as well as other consulting firms.
Consulting across a wide array of needs
Over the years, I have had the good fortune of working with some very talented people and now have the ability to bring many of those resources to bear when their skills and capabilities are a match for the problem you need solve. Siegel Group is much more than just me, you're getting access to my personal network of specialists.